Stories are the currency we use to share our lives and experiences with others. Meet some of the people and organizations served by Foundation-funded programs, and learn how they are making a difference in communities across Colorado.


Editor's Note: Long before telehealth finally broke widely into consumer markets, innovators in health delivery in Colorado were experimenting with ways to use technology to…

The common terms thrown around in discussions of telehealth and telemedicine are as fluid as the technology itself. We choose some of the more useful terms and descriptions…

If there were an institution anywhere in the nation facing enormous challenges for which telehealth would seem to offer tantalizing solutions, it would be the Department of…

The lure of telehealth comes in large part from hearing the countless series of frustrating or unproductive health encounters that good technology might improve. The Army…

Q&A with Health First Colorado (formerly Medicaid) Medical Director, Judy Zerzan, MD, MPH Judy…

The right spice can make the difference between a successful recipe or a failed one. African immigrants who lived in the old Lincoln Park housing development southwest of…

The people of Walsenburg are outnumbered in their own neighborhoods. The southern Colorado town sits at the junction of Interstate 25 and U.S. Highway 160 — the main route…

Colorado’s most polluted ZIP code is a strange place to find a banana tree. Yet there it stands, its broad leaves branching six feet out of a pot on the floor of an old…

There are at least 50 new hires attributable directly to Medicaid expansion at Mind Springs Health, the primary mental and behavioral health care provider in a sprawling 10-…

Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center is one of the largest employers in southern Colorado, a key economic driver in Huerfano and surrounding counties. Medicaid expansion has…

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